Ok, help me out here- is there anything you'd like to see/read on this blog that isn't already here? I'm working on expanding links and adding more colorful buttons. I know some have suggested I not use colored text cause it's hard to read for some- but I'm insanely addicted to color and texture and am easily bored with plain white text. Sorry.
I could expose more of my personal life, but I've tried posting personal stuff before and almost always freak out and delete the post. Mainly because I live in a small town where everyone knows me and may (if they don't already) think I'm a total freak job. Or worse- if I rant/vent about someone I know who gets under my skin, the gossip will fly. Life in a fish bowl, eh?
I've added a map thingy that logs where visitors to my site are from. Hope this is not too Big Brother-ish for anyone. Just curious what parts of the world are peeping at me. I was over the moon when I saw a hit from New Zealand. I want to go there sooooo bad. I know once I get there I'll never leave- they'll have to freakin deport me.
Here are some podcasts worth checking out! I've started putting up links in the sidebar and will be adding more in the near future. I'll be uploading other buttons to my blog as well, so bare with me.
I originally wanted rainbows in this yarn, but my wool experiments weren't good enough to make it in. Sadly, after I started spinning this up, I came across some rainbow ribbon that would have worked perfectly- so watch for a future version of this yarn. Its composed of wool and angelina spun around a core thread of threaded star sequins with puffy kid mohair cloud coils and is plied with sky blue viscose thread. 85 yds.
Reports are starting to trickle in... Handspun Collective got a bit of a buzz going at Renegade Craft Fair last weekend. This pic was emailed to me- the woman apparently went nuts over my yarn "Hot Chick". I believe her reaction was to squeal and jump up and down... not sure exactly... but she did apparently buy the yarn and showed it to others, cause folks came to the booth looking for more. Anyhow, I guess some kick ass contacts were made and possibly some press coverage- so we'll see what comes of it. Rock on Handspun Collective!
Here's my latest- a purple & orange mohair/wool blend spun with dark purple slubby coils heavily carded with angelina, yarn end cuts from Curious Creek Fibers and snippets of sparkly fun fur. Kid mohair locks were plied in with purple viscose and sequins and glass seed beads on UV color change thread. 103 yds.The pictures do not capture the true color of this yarn- its way more purple in person- these look kinda blue.
Handspun wool/mohair and mylar blend spun with yarn ends from Curious Creek Fibers, novelty snippets and pompoms. Plied with threaded sequins on UV color change thread and Dazzlelash novelty yarn. 68 yds.
Finally getting around to posting pic's of finished art cards made from photos of my handspun yarns. I hope to make a card for each yarn I spin and still have a couple more cards I need to photograph. Some of the cards have actual bits from the original yarn worked in to them. All are backed with wool felt and blanket stitched with fuzzy eyelash around the edges.
This scarf was knit on 60" circular needles- size 17 using my handspun yarn "High Tide 2 ". The sterling silver fish buttons happened to end up next to each other while knitting.
Here is a peek at some of the skeins headed to New York for the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn this month. I've sent off a total of 17 skeins of yarn. Wish I could go too! My yarns are part of the Handspun Collective www.handspuncollective.com so if you are planning to attend, stop by our booth and check us out!