What's a fiber pod? Recycled packaging and left over fibers from my spinning projects! Each pod contains 3 oz of blended wool and/or mohair, alpaca, silk, angora, mylar, angelina and other fibery goodness. I've listed 3 pods on my etsy site: www.yarnpunk.etsy.comand will be adding more in the near future. I have plans for pods with snippets, sparklies, bobbles and bits for art yarn spinners, so stay tuned!

Finished this lastnight- it's still a little damp from setting the twist, but I'm shoving it in my suitcase and plan to mail it to miss crumpart from FreakPods! in Australia when I get down to Oregon. I ran out of time to get a skein from the shop in the post to her and didn't want to wait until I got back from my trip. I found a vintage clip-on earring with white, bone and pale baby blue bobbles in a round cluster this evening and clipped it into the skein. Wish I could have gotten a pic- looks delicious! Well, I'm off- first flight out of Kodiak in the morning... See ya!
Life is crazy busy right now- I'm getting ready to take a trip south to Oregon for 2 weeks to visit my sister who is moving to Wyoming. Looking forward to seeing her- it's been something like 2 years. Not sure if I'll be able to check my email or post to blogger while I'm gone, so here are some shop updates:After this week, The Rookery will only be open for normal business hours on Friday, August 18th & Saturday, August 19th. All other days we will be closed. The same goes for the following week: the shop will only be open on Friday, August 25th & Saturday, August 26th. Not to worry though, Sarah will be teaching Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm and said folks could stop in to pick up supplies and stuff during that time. Elizabeth Lehmer will be teaching Wedensday evenings starting at 6:30 and will also be available. As for my shop www.yarnpunk.etsy.com : all orders placed between August 11th and August 25th will receive free shipping when I return.I'll try and post again before I leave on Sunday- I'm hoping to finish up the yarn I'm working on before I leave and get pic's uploaded.

Blended wool, mohair and angelina plied with soft fuzzy green kid mohair slubs and thread.

A blue alpaca single triple plied (chaos at its best) with lime green wool thread, sulky holoshimmer thread, purple vintage thread and snippets of yarny bits, sequins and lime green fluff. Just grabbed what was loose in my shelves at home and went for it. Ran out of spinning projects and needed a fix.